Not Just A Web-Site....More a way of Life! PICTURES Of SOME OF THE PEOPLE I KNEW AND PHOTOGRAPHED IN HANDSWORTH and LOZELLS, area of BIRMINGHAM, in the 1970/ 80s (and before.)
photo (c) Pat Kiely (1977) Watching a Cliff Richard Christian Concert in Handsworth Park, Birmingham .... circa mid 1970s.
photo (c) Pat Kiely (1979) A West Indian couple I photographed in 1980 in the Lozells Social Development local residents club, known locally as the L.S.D. Club in Finch Road, Lozells, which was opposite the Village Maid Public House. The couple had lived in Handsworth from the 1950s.,and I think they were called Winston and Betty . OUCH! An abandoned Police car I photographed opposite the old churchyard in Hampstead Road, Handsworth, on a New Years day morning, back in the 1970s. photo (c) Pat Kiely (1980) Caught on Kiely's Camera in 1967. One time resident of Handsworth, Mick Phelan from Fethard, Co. Tipperary. Mick should know how far it is to Tipperary Town, as he been living in Fethard, County Tipperary, since the 1970s, but when this pic was taken in 1967, Mick was running his own car repair garage in Hall Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, England. photo (c) Pat Kiely (1979)
A young Vietnamese couple photographed in a long gone launderette in Villa Road, Handsworth. Birmingham, back in 1980. Vietnamese refugees in England those days were known as the 'boat people' because so many tried to escape by boat from the oppressive regime in their own country. The nearby St. Francis RC church in Hunters Road, has had its own Vietnamese priest since the early 1980s. photo (c) Pat Kiely (1979)
A young West Indian born boxer I photographed in Handsworth in the 1970s ... This picture later won first prize at Handsworth Photographic Club's annual contest.
circa late 1970s. Dave from Barker Street, Handsworth, Birmingham. photo (c) Pat Kiely (1978)
photo (c) Pat Kiely (1979) Ms. Patel, Aston University, Birmingham 1979 photo (c) Pat Kiely (1979) 1980s Birmingham Street Riots! In the early 1980s two riots took place on the streets of Handsworth and Lozells. The first riot, which mainly occurred along the Soho Road and lasted for several nights, was a confrontation between young West Indians, certain left wing political factions, many from outside the area, and the Police. The second more serious riot about a year later, broke out mainly on the streets of Lozells, and resulted in the loss of life of an Asian man, who was accidentally burnt to death, after being trapped in his flat above the Post Office he ran in Lozells Road, which had been set on fire by rioters.
I have always had a keen interest in photography and was a member of Handsworth and then the Smethwick Photographic Club for several years, reaching the advanced level in both. In the 1980s I moved to Bath, London and then Ireland,where I now live and have been working as a photo journalist here for the last 8 years. Best wishes to all and thanks for visiting my website! Patrick. Copyright all photos / text :email Pat Kiely Lismore, Co. Waterford. Ireland 1998-2006 Please contact for permission if you intend to copy or use any of these pics for publication, or if you would like to purchase a higher quality copy. Thankyou. Patrick Kiely MIDI PLYING NOW: BOB MARLEY: Three Little Birds. IIf you have enjoyed this website and would like to see more phtos etc. please send a small donation via Paypal to help with my costs and time ... thanks a million ... Pat Copyright photos/text : Pat Kiely Lismore, Co. Waterford. 1975-2004 BELOW ARE LINKS TO MY IRISH WEB-SITE. Please EMAIL me if you have photos or memories of Lozells and Handsworth in Birmingham which you might like to share, or include on the web-page ... Thanks, Patrick.